Adapting to Autumn

Adapting to Autumn

As the season begins to change from summer to fall, there are a few things we’d like to point out that affect seniors and their comfort and safety at home. First is the change in the amount of daylight. It happens gradually, with just a few minutes less each day...
Medicare Advantage and Senior Home Care

Medicare Advantage and Senior Home Care

You may have heard of Medicare Advantage, an “all in one” alternative to the original Medicare program. Medicare Advantage may have a lower monthly premium but can mean more out-of-pocket costs for the senior. It typically has a fixed network of doctors, hospitals,...
Creating a Preparation Journal

Creating a Preparation Journal

This may be a sensitive subject, but it’s an important one. When anyone passes away, whether at an elderly age or unexpectedly as a younger adult, the family must take care of many details. What bills need to be paid, where are the important documents, is there a safe...
When Elderly Sleep a Lot

When Elderly Sleep a Lot

If you’re helping care for an elderly person, you may notice an increase in the amount of time they sleep. If you are concerned about changing sleep patterns, try to identify what is happening that may cause increased sleep. As you identify possible reasons, it may be...
The Power of Touch

The Power of Touch

As we age, we often become more isolated. Many senior adults lose their husband or wife after decades of marriage; their adult children may be busy with work and children; illness and mobility issues can stand in the way of longtime activities or hobbies shared with...


8205 Spain Rd. NE, Suite 211, Albuquerque, NM, 87109


Monday - Friday
8am - 5pm