Home Safety Check

Home Safety Check

Aging can bring about a whole new world of challenges. That said, it’s important to ensure the elderly in your life are well taken care of and safe at home. Each year, thousands of older Americans fall at home. These falls are often due to hazards that can be easily...
Safe Holiday Travels

Safe Holiday Travels

The holidays are here, which means many families will be scheduling upcoming travel plans. Families everywhere travel during the holiday season to spend time with loved ones. As enjoyable as these times are, travel can be hard on all of us, especially the elderly....
Alleviating the Stress of Gifts

Alleviating the Stress of Gifts

The holidays can be a wonderful time of year, yet they can also be stressful. The holiday season brings joy and quality time with loved ones, but with that comes the expectation of gift-giving. For many, purchasing gifts for family and friends can be stressful, but it...
Flu Season is Here

Flu Season is Here

Flu season appears out of nowhere each year. Being prepared for flu season is always a good idea, especially for people at a higher risk for more serious infections, such as seniors and those with underlying health issues. At FootPrints Home Care, we take the health...
The Importance of Elders

The Importance of Elders

In most living creatures, their longevity is closely tied to reproduction. Life is about having offspring, and once that no longer happens, life usually ends. But not so with humans. Why? A recent research paper from the University of California – Santa Barbara says...


8205 Spain Rd. NE, Suite 211, Albuquerque, NM, 87109


Monday - Friday
8am - 5pm