Helpful Ideas for Seniors During COVID-19

Helpful Ideas for Seniors During COVID-19

As the Covid-19 virus continues around the world, we’ve all heard about the higher risk to the elderly or those with serious medical conditions. During this time, an elderly person living at home should be very cautious about trips to the grocery store, pharmacy, or...
Home hacks for your elderly parent

Home hacks for your elderly parent

Keeping a senior’s home environment safe is paramount as he or she ages in place. We naturally think about building a ramp to the front door, renovating the bathroom so the shower is a walk-in, adding a shower chair, or removing rugs. But here are some other ideas to...
Boutique Care Services

Boutique Care Services

Partnering with Facilities As in-home care providers, we bring peace of mind to the families we serve in the comfort of their own homes. What some don’t realize is that we also serve clients in independent living facilities. This program is called our Boutique Care...


8205 Spain Rd. NE, Suite 211, Albuquerque, NM, 87109


Monday - Friday
8am - 5pm