If you’ve watched TV lately, you’ve already seen commercials with holiday gift ideas. If you’re starting your gift list, the question often comes up: What do you give an elderly parent or grandparent? Sure, you could wrap a holiday gift of bath salts or a new tie, but how about gift ideas for seniors that they might need or truly enjoy?

Is there something they need at home? Socks and underwear might not seem like a great gift, but for them, it may be a very appreciated gift. New towels for the kitchen or bathroom, a speaker that amplifies the TV’s audio right next to their recliner, or a small basket with their favorite foods and snacks would be welcome gifts for many. A book of crosswords or a jigsaw puzzle help keep cognitive skills sharp. If memory is becoming difficult, a photo book of family members with names and birthdates, of pets and homes, or other significant images may be helpful.

Spending time together is often the thing that many elderly would most love. Plan some short daytrips along New Mexico’s scenic routes, stop for a picnic or cup of coffee together. The gift of time is a valuable keepsake and reduces the impact of loneliness.

A gift doesn’t have to be a “thing”, it can also be help with a task they can no longer do. Are there home maintenance items that you could take care of—fixing a leaky faucet, washing curtains, planting daffodils that can be enjoyed in the spring?

Remember that the holidays can also be a very sad time for those who see time passing quickly or grieve for people who have passed. Celebrating the season is an important part of family traditions, even if there is grief.

At FootPrints Home Care, it is our mission to serve our communities across the Albuquerque and Santa Fe region, helping seniors and their families. If we can be of help, whether its short-term respite care during the holiday season or ongoing senior home care, from a few hours a week to 24/7 care at home, please give us a call.


8205 Spain Rd. NE, Suite 211, Albuquerque, NM, 87109


Monday - Friday
8am - 5pm