Managing Medications

Managing Medications

Senior adults are often prescribed multiple medications by their physician to address the illnesses and issues of aging. Yet some seniors do not take the medications as directed. The US Department of Health and Human Services estimates that 55% of the elderly don’t...
Shoes for the Elderly

Shoes for the Elderly

Shoes are an important part of everyone’s clothing, especially for the elderly. Properly fitting shoes can also help in the prevention of falls. Harvard Medical School has estimated that an estimated 18,000 Americans die each year after being injured from a fall. As...
24/7 Home Care

24/7 Home Care

Older adults may develop health concerns that require more care, yet they still want to remain in their own home. Sometimes there are no family members available to help, and an outside caregiver is  needed. At FootPrints Home Care, we’re well equipped to help with...
Preventing Falls

Preventing Falls

Tripping over something can be dangerous to all of us, but for the elderly, falls can be a devasting event. Preventing falls should be a priority for every senior, especially those still living in their own home. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) says that one in...


8205 Spain Rd. NE, Suite 211, Albuquerque, NM, 87109


Monday - Friday
8am - 5pm